Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One Quarter down 3 to go!

So it is official, I have finished my first quarter in Portfolio School. It went by way to fast but I learned a lot and I'm really looking forward to the following quarters. My quarter review with Directors Jeff Epstein and Maria Scileppi is Thursday and I am interested to hear what they have to say about my production in the quarter as well as the advice they can give me moving forward. My resume is very close to completion which means that my website is getting even closer to going live. I have also gone ahead and uploaded some of the better marker comps that Justin and I came up with for our shoe ads. To remind you we did APL's Concept 1, the first shoe proven to increase your vertical leap. We decided to make an app as well as a number of print ads some of which are interactive. I will update again after my review with Jeff and Maria and will hopefully have some good news to report.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Website and Shoe Comps Update

Good News and Bad news guy... Bad news first the website is not up yet, BUT it is all but finished. Everything is loaded onto the site minus my bio and resume. My bio will be done tonight but I am holding off on the resume because in typography we are actually all re-designing our resumes and I want to make sure that I put my best work to date on the site rather than looking to amateur. As far as the shoes go Justin and I did some really great work together and going off of Justin's suggest we decided to shoes Propulsion Labs Concept 1 basketball shoes for our concept. Concept 1 is the first shoe ever to be banned from the NBA because it gives an unfair competitive advantage proving in a number of test to give athletes up to 3.5 extra inches on their vertical. I am sketching all the comps out now and should have them posted either Thursday or Friday. So again if you have been waiting to see the website, it will be up in another week or so I want to make sure the resume is down pat. Check in the next for days for the shoe comps!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

One Show Submission and New Ads!

Finally Finally after myself and my amazing copywriter Marta Malko put a good 30-40 hours in brainstorming, sketching and producing our submission for The One Show's student competition WE ARE FINISHED! I have uploaded a video that explains the entire concept of our project but to sum it up we created a video game as a means to promote awareness and boost donations for City Harvest in NYC. City Harvest is an organization that helps to "rescue" food in New York while collecting food and monetary donations from restaurants, corporations and individuals. Marta and I really thought hard on how we could make the game not only something that had the potential to go viral and make people want to come back for more, but how could City Harvest, the participating donating restaurants and the participants themselves all benefit from the game. It is an awesome feeling to finish a project all the way to end and just see how the whole process from your thoughts to pen and paper to the computer and then in this case into a video. All of the finalist for the show will be notified mid April and invited to NYC for the actual award show, so keep your fingers crossed I think we have a great idea that is very well executed, hopefully the judges will feel the same way.

On another note I have loaded some photos from our vodka campaign. I chose to use Nemiroff Honey-Pepper vodka and really focus on the spiciness of it, I went for some literal solutions such as substituting the bottle for a pepper shaker and others were more witty such as suggesting blue cheese and celery as a relief afterwards. They were mostly visually driven mainly because I thought these brand led itself to more of a aesthetically pleasing solution. we actually have the opportunity to continue building these ads out in class for next week along with the gym ads I posted last time. Im excited to really push both of these especially the Powerhouse Gym ads, I have some really great thoughts for ambient advertising for both and think they could become nice finished pieces.

Also up for next week I will be working with copywriter Justin Florio ( twitter.com/iamjflo ) on a shoe company of our choice. We are meeting today to discuss but are both interested in choosing something really unique. I have not yet worked with Justin but I am looking forward to it, in knowing him for the past few months I can tell you that he is about as creative as they come and does a great job at translating shock value and comedy in his ads, so I am sure we will have some good stuff to post.

Should have my new website up by the end of the weekend if not very early next week!Keep your fingers crossed about the One Show for me and check in for some updates
throughout the week.....